1. Purpose of the General Terms and Conditions of Sale

The General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter referred to as “T&Cs”) described below detail the rights and obligations of DuckRabbit Sàrl (hereinafter referred to as “DuckRabbit”) and its customer in the context of the sale of products (or services) on duckrabbit.ch

Any service performed by DuckRabbit therefore implies the buyer’s unreserved adherence to these general terms and conditions of sale.

DuckRabbit reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. The version of the GTC valid at the time of the order is decisive and cannot be unilaterally modified for this order.

The offer is valid for as long as the product can be found on the DuckRabbit website using the search function and/or while supplies last.

2. Product and price

The product images on the DuckRabbit site are for illustrative purposes and are non-binding.

The prices of the goods sold (or services) are those in force on the day the order is placed. They are denominated in Swiss francs and calculated excluding taxes. As a result, they will be increased by the VAT rate and transport costs applicable on the day of the order.

DuckRabbit reserves the right to change the prices of products at any time. However, it undertakes to invoice the goods ordered at the prices indicated when the order was registered.

3. Rebates and rebates

The proposed rates include the discounts and rebates that the company DuckRabbit Would be Brought at grant account held from his results or some grip in load by The buyer from Some Benefits.

4. Discount

No discount will be granted in case of early payment.

5. Payment Terms

Orders are paid for:

  • Either by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express),
  • Either by PayPal,
  • Either by bank transfers,
  • Or by payment on delivery depending on the region.

In the case of payment by credit card or other instant payment methods, the debit takes place at the time the order is placed.

In the case of prepayment, delivery will only take place once payment has been received. Products in stock are reserved until the payment term, which is at least 11 calendar days, has expired.

6. Late payment

If, within fifteen days of the implementation of the “Late payment” clause, the buyer has not paid the outstanding sums, the sale will be terminated by operation of law and may give rise to the right to the award of damages in favour of DuckRabbit.

7. Conclusion of the contract

The products and prices displayed in the online shop are considered offers. However, these offers are always subject to the resolutory condition of an impossibility of delivery or a pricing error.

For DuckRabbit products and services, the contract is entered into as soon as you place your order on our DuckRabbit site (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”). Receipt of your order is confirmed by an automatically generated order confirmation email. This order confirmation does not guarantee that the product can be delivered, but simply states that we have received your order and that the contract is therefore concluded, subject to the possibility of delivery and the accuracy of the price quoted.

8. Retention of title clause

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9. Delivery

Delivery is made:

  • Either by the direct delivery of the goods to the buyer,
  • Or at the place indicated by the buyer on the order form.

The delivery time indicated at the time of order registration is given for information purposes only and is not guaranteed.

Consequently, any reasonable delay in the delivery of the products may not give rise to the benefit of the buyer to:

  • The award of damages,
  • Cancellation of the order.

The risk of transport is borne in full by the buyer.

In addition, it is the customer’s responsibility to check the delivered products immediately upon receipt for correctness, completeness and functionality.

In the event of any goods missing or damaged in transit, the buyer must return them to DuckRabbit immediately after they are discovered or no later than 5 calendar days after receipt of the products. These reservations must also be indicated in writing within five days of delivery by e-mail to admininfo@duckrabbit.com. Customers are not authorized to use a damaged product. They must keep it in its original packaging and follow the instructions for the return process listed by DuckRabbit in reply to the email.

10. Force majeure

The responsibility some society DuckRabbit not Can step be stake in work if the non-execution or the delay in Execution from one from his Obligations Described in the Present conditions General from sale Stems of a case from strength major premise. At This title, force majeure means any external, unforeseeable and irresistible event.

11. Confidentiality

All information, commercial or of any kind whatsoever, that one of the parties may have collected about the other party, in any form whatsoever and in particular orally, in particular during meetings and interviews, is confidential. Each party undertakes, on the one hand, not to disclose or communicate to anyone all or part of this confidential information and, on the other hand, to take all measures to ensure that this confidentiality is preserved.

Each party, as beneficiary, undertakes not to make any use of the confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of the contract. The parties undertake not to claim any industrial, literary or artistic property rights over the confidential information and the knowledge established from such confidential information. Documents of any kind provided by the parties remain the property of each party that provided them.

The parties undertake to return to each other, on request or in the event of termination of the contract, all documents, parts or products communicated and not to keep copies or reproductions of them. The obligations set out in this Article shall remain in force as long as the confidential information has not fallen into the public domain.

12. Miscellaneous Provisions

Any time limit set by these terms and conditions expires on the last day at twenty-four hours. The delay who would expire one Saturday, Sunday, one day holiday or Busy, east prorogued until first day working next. In The hypothesis where one some Stipulations some Present conditions General Would be Considered like Null and without object, she Would be Deemed No Written and would not lead to step the nullity others Stipulations.

13. Competent court

Any dispute relating to the interpretation and execution of these general terms and conditions of sale is subject to Swiss law.

If no amicable resolution is reached, the dispute will be brought before the Forum est Zurich.

Done in Villars-Sainte-Croix on June 21, 2024

DuckRabbit Sàrl